Custom Walnut Dining Table in Newton
Custom Walnut Dining Table in Newton
A custom dining table like this one requires quite a bit of careful planning, long before we ever touch a piece of wood, to ensure a successful execution. We take into account the look and feel of the room, its dimensions and access points; the height of that built-in bench, the number of people the table’s intended to seat, and even the size of the chairs all come into play. Our commitment to the custom design process means that we won’t lose track of any important factors, and that functionality and aesthetic appeal each get their deserved attention.
We built this particular live edge walnut dining table for clients in Newton, a town – along with neighboring Brookline, Wellesley, Needham and Weston – where a lot of our tables now stand. Given the gleaming whites and soft, gentle off-whites of this room, our clients wanted a table that matched the clean, comfortable, homey feel, but which also stood firmly on its own visually. A walnut dining table was the perfect answer for this situation, because the versatility and inherent beauty of walnut allow it to feel at home in most any space while also packing a strong aesthetic punch. No shrinking violet, this.
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When we’re building a custom banquette table, we dive deep into the relevant dimensions in the room, often coming into the home for a site visit and/or a templating session. A site visit allows us to get measurements we can be confident in, and templates give our clients a real-world, three-dimensional mock-up of the table, so they can see and physically feel how much space it will take up in the room. After all, if you’re getting custom wood furniture, you should get it right the first time. We’ve designed our whole process to get things right that first time, and we’ll walk you through that process with us.
I’ve mentioned the aesthetic versatility of walnut as a building material, and this single dining table really embodies exactly that. The live edge table top explicitly brings in the beauty and complexity of nature; the handmade wood beam and trestle base design evoke some more rustic design elements; the dimensions of the X-bases’ individual components have a distinctly modern feel. Even with these various forces at play, the finished product doesn’t feel muddled or mixed-up – rather, it feels like a coherent whole. We’ve built walnut dining tables in ultra contemporary styles and thoroughly traditional ones, and they always look right. In an era when “transitional” interiors have become standard, custom walnut furniture fits beautifully into those designs.
If you’re interested in handmade wood furniture from right here in Boston, reach out to us and we’ll get the ball rolling. Whether your space is fully furnished or nothing more than lines on a blueprint, we can help you get a custom table that you and your family can cherish for generations.